The average house price on GREENSIDE WALK is £150,518
The most expensive house in the street is 11 GREENSIDE WALK with an estimated value of £175,469
The cheapest house in the street is 34 GREENSIDE WALK with an estimated value of £136,982
The house which was most recently sold was 34 GREENSIDE WALK, this sold on 3 May 2019 for £110,000
The postcode for GREENSIDE WALK is LS12 4SA
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
11 GREENSIDE WALK Semi-Detached , 68 m2 £175,469 £109,995 24 Feb 2014
22 GREENSIDE WALK Terraced , 82 m2 £148,747 £117,000 6 Oct 2017
26 GREENSIDE WALK Terraced , 86 m2 £140,876 £82,000 25 May 2012
34 GREENSIDE WALK Terraced , 87 m2 £136,982 £110,000 3 May 2019